Function Programming in C#

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a style that treats computation as the evaluation of
mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.

Immutable Types

This is an object whos state cannot be modified after it is created.


public class Rectangle
     public int Length {get;set;}
     public int Height {get;set;}

     public void Grow(int length, int height)
     Length += length;
     Height += height;
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
r.Length = 5;
r.Height = 10;
r.Grow(10, 10);
// r.Length is 15, r.Height is 20, same
instance of r


public class ImmutableRectangle
     int Length { get; }
     int Height { get; }

     public ImmutableRectangle(int length,
     int height)
         Length = length;
         Height = height;
     public ImmutableRectangle Grow(int length, int height) => new ImmutableRectangle(Length + length, Height + height);
ImmutableRectangle r = new
ImmutableRectangle(5, 10);

r = r.Grow(10, 10);
// r.Length is 15, r.Height is 20, is a new
instance of r

Expressions vs Statements

Statments define an actiona nd are executed for thier side-effect.
Expressions produce a result without mutating state.

public static string GetSalutation(int hour) {
 string salutation; // placeholder value
 if (hour < 12)
 salutation = "Good Morning";
 salutation = "Good Afternoon";
 return salutation; // return mutated variable
public static string GetSalutation(int hour) =>
 hour < 12 ? "Good Morning" : "Good Afternoon";

Value Tuples

Tuple is a more efficient and more productive lightweight syntax to define a data structure that carries more than one value.
Requires NuGet Package System.ValueTuple

  • Represent data without DTO classes
  • Lower memory footprint than a class
  • Return multiple values from methods without the need for out variables
(double lat, double lng) GetCoordinates(string
    //DO search query ...
    return (lat: 47.6450905056185,
    lng: 122.130835641356);
var pos = GetCoordinates("15700 NE 39th St,
Redmond, WA");; //47.6450905056185
pos.lng; //122.130835641356

Func Delegates

Func Delegates encapsulate a method. When declaring a Func, input and output parameters are specified as T1-T16, and TResult.

  • Func – matches a method that takes no arguments, and returns value of type TResult.
  • Func<T, TResult> – matches a method that takes an argument of type T, and returns value of type TResult.
  • Func<T1, T2, TResult> – matches a method that takes arguments of type T1 and T2, and returns value of type TResult.
  • Func<T1, T2, …, TResult> – and so on up to 16 arguments, and returns value of type TResult.
Func<int, int> addOne = n => n +1;
Func<int, int, int> addNums = (x,y) => x + y;
Func<int, bool> isZero = n => n == 0;

Console.WriteLine(addOne(5)); // 6
Console.WriteLine(isZero(addNums(-5,5))); //

int[] a = {0,1,0,3,4,0};
Console.WriteLine(a.Count(isZero)); // 3

Higher Order Functions / Functions as Data

Higher-order function is a function taking one or more function parameters as input, or returning a function as output. The other functions are called first-order functions. (Again, in C#, the term function and the term method are identical.) C# supports higher-order function from the beginning, since a C# function can use almost anything as its input/output, except:

Static types, like System.Convert, System.Math, etc., because there cannot be a value (instance) of a static type.
Special types in .NET framework, like System.Void.
A first-order function can take some data value as input and output:

method signature
int IEnumerable.Count<T>(Func<T, Bool>
Source code for Count()
int count = 0;
 foreach (TSource element in source)
 checked // overflow exception check
 if (predicate(element)) //
func<T,Bool> invoked
return count;
bool[] bools = { false, true, false, false };

int f = bools.Count(bln => bln == false); //
out = 3
int t = bools.Count(bln => bln == true); // out
= 1

Method Chaining (~Pipelines)

Since C# lacks a Pipeline syntax, pipelines in C# are created with design patterns that allow for methods to chain.
The result of the method chain should produce the desired value and type.

string str = new StringBuilder()
 .Append("Hello ")
 .Append("World ")

Extension Methods

Extension methods are a great way to extend method chains and add functionality to a class.

// Extends the StringBuilder class to accept a predicate
public static StringBuilder AppendWhen( this StringBuilder sb, string value, bool predicate) =>
 predicate ? sb.Append(value) : sb;

string htmlButton = new StringBuilder()
 .AppendWhen(" disabled", isDisabled)
 .Append(">Click me</button>")


Using yield to define an iterator removes the need for an explicit extra class (the class that holds the state for an enumeration.
You consume an iterator method by using a foreach statement or LINQ query.
Yield is the basis for many LINQ methods.

// Without Yield
public static IEnumerable<int>
GreaterThan(int[] arr, int gt) {
 List<int> temp = new List<int>();
 foreach (int n in arr) {
 if (n > gt) temp.Add(n);
 return temp;
// With Yield
public static IEnumerable<int>
GreaterThan(int[] arr, int gt) {
 foreach (int n in arr) {
 if (n > gt) yield return n;


The gateway to functional programming in C#. LINQ makes short work of most imperative programming routines that work on arrays and collections

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